In the spring of the 2006 I by chance knew, that else in 1979 the american scientist Fligg (in other references - Flynn) managed to receive neutrons in experiences by the sonoluminescence, i.e. he be able prove, that the cavitational phenomena under certain conditions can cause of the nuclear reactions synthesis. The basic circuit of his experience is described in magazine "the Youthful technician" 5 for 1997 on pages 26 - 28. This article I showing below:

nuclear fusion


The description of installation of the Fligg's - the close-up, I made translation
from Russian on the English language, the English text is imposed atop
of the Russian text and accentuated by a red background:

nuclear fusion

nuclear fusion

Here it is possible to look completely this article from YT.

However cavitational processes in experiments of Fligg went though and intensively, but be rarely, so average value of their power was slight. The basic circuit of installation of the Fligg's in article is described enough in detail, therefore be unlikely that this information is disinformation. Most likely, to Fligg really it was possible to receive neutrons in experiences with the cavitation (sonoluminescence). But the information on his works, seemingly, has not received wide publicity in scientific press because between representatives of various directions of the decision of a problem of controlled nuclear synthesis be a strong struggle for financing.
In general, if to read magazines, then it is possible to notice the certain tendency: that scientists, which develop of the TOKAMA's, assert, that only with help of the TOKAMA's and it is possible to solve problem CNS, because this direction many years is most worked.
But those experts, which is engaged in the decision of problem CNS with the help of laser synthesis, assert, what just they nearer than all other experts approach to the final decision of a problem. With similar a statements write in the magazines and the supporters of explosive boilers and supporters of use of the collider - particle accelerator on a colliding beams.
Thus, each of them criticizes others directions and emphasizes advantages of the own projects, proves them effectiveness and economic profitability in comparison with projects other developers.
Naturally, what nobody from representatives of these traditional schools of the decision of problem CNS is not interested in occurrence on arena of struggle for financial resources one more strong competitor.
Moreover, it is necessary to take into account and what the specified directions (TOKAMAK, laser synthesis...) develop enough for a long time and that the them apologists actually have completely occupied of "an ecological niche" by research of problem CNS.
For the many years the representatives of these traditional directions of the decision of problem CNS achieve of the prestige in the academy, they take up of the command posts in the appropriate state structures, have headed editions of scientific magazines. Last circumstance very easily allows representatives of traditional directions to hide the information about new, the more perspective the ways of the decision of a problem - for it enough simple refuse to publish article in the "own" scientific magazines and the world will be in the full ignorance.

Therefore be not surprising, that about work of the Fligg's a little who knows. It is necessary to be surprised to another, that the information on his work in general has appeared, even in the same magazine " the Youthful technician". The researchers or "safely forgot" about this work or simply did not know, since the information on her has not received wide publicity. Therefore later the result of the Fligg's (the neutrons in process of the cavitation), using other techniques (the heated wire), was attempting to receive by the other researchers , but they constantly fail. However these unsuccessful works, as against work of the Fligg's, probably, with a permission of representatives of traditional directions of the decision of a problem of nuclear synthesis, have received wide publicity. So in February, 1995 in magazine "Scientific American" was published article of the Putterman:


Not intelligibly, why Putterman generally published this article, if he has not reached of the result, i.e. has not received neutrons in processes of the phenomena of the cavitation. Also agree, and it is very strange, that the edition of magazine "Scientific American" has agreed to publish this article - since the magazines usually extremely reluctantly publish scientific works, in which authors have not reached success. (As a rule, the information about unsuccessful experiments is occasionally published in very much specialized scientific magazines in the form of brief reports, which seldom read, but not of in the unwrapped kind.) Meanwhile, how I have already told, the article of the Putterman's was published in rather heavy magazine and has the big volume. Certainly, it is possible to admit, that professor Puterman has in the scientific world the very big authority and therefore edition of magazine "Scientific American" has undertaken boldness to publish his article. However, if the mister Puterman have such big weight in scientific community, why then nobody from the scientists consider more attentively optimistic forecasts, which he do, what possibly just the phenomenon of the sonoluminescence becomes a key to the decision of a problem of controlled nuclear synthesis to the end of 20 century? Anyway, but it is necessary to recognize, what in point of fact a it article of the professor Puterman's do a "clumsy assistance" to the researchers, which try to solve a problem of controlled nuclear synthesis with the help of the phenomenon cavitation.


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